Support Us Soundstreams’ Mary-Margaret Webb Fund

Soundstreams has a long history of supporting Canada’s finest female composers, from Nicole Lizée and Melissa Hui, to Robin Dann, Cecilia Livingston, and Anna Pidgorna.

Through Soundstreams’ Mary-Margaret Webb Fund, we aim to empower female composers by offering opportunities to address the unique challenges they face in elevating their voices within a traditionally male-dominated field.

By donating to Soundstreams’ Mary-Margaret Webb Fund, you will help:

  • Commission new works from Canadian female-identifying composers.
  • Produce concerts that showcase premieres and repeat performances of the composers’ works.
  • Reduce Soundstreams’ dependence on publicly-funded arts councils for commissioning and production fees.

Soundstreams is not only a place of progressive sounds and ideas, but also a place of progressive values. We thank you for joining us in this campaign for social good.

Click the button below to make a donation in honour of Soundstreams’ Mary-Margaret Webb Fund:

Or mail your cheque to:

20 St. Joseph St.
Toronto ON M4Y 1J9

You may also call Leiki Kopvillem at (416) 504-1282 ext. 104 for any questions you may have about supporting Soundstreams.

About Mary-Margaret Webb

Mary-Margaret Webb was a musician and philanthropist whose legacy of supporting Toronto music and arts organizations cannot be underestimated. After graduating with an Arts degree from the University of Toronto, and piano and theory certificates from the Toronto Conservatory of Music, she taught briefly on the faculty of the Hambourg Conservatory, then joined the Royal Conservatory of Music, specializing in the beginning and intermediate students. In 1979, the Conservatory distinguished her with a Certificate of Appreciation.  

Her legacy lives on through the Mary-Margaret Webb Foundation, which focuses on assisting progressive Toronto music and arts organizations.  

Read more about Mary-Margaret Webb in this profile piece from the Women’s Musical Club of Toronto.